Wonderful Window Seats

Window Seat InspirationHave you considered getting windows seats in your home? They provide versatile extra seating as well as handy storage, they ooze comfort and cosiness, and they add character to a room.

Bay windows offer the ideal space for a window seat, perfect depth, nice and bright with all that natural light, and a good use of the space to provide extra seating. This window seat below offers a sense of extra comfort in the bedroom too.

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7 Upholstered Headboard Ideas for your Bedroom

We often hear of the importance of a good mattress, and of course, it’s crucial in getting a good night’s sleep as well as supporting your body properly. But what is it that can really lift your spirits and make you think “I love my bedroom” every time you walk in?

7 Upholstery Headboard Ideas

I think a beautiful headboard can give a bed and a bedroom a lift, it gives the bed height and prominence in the room, can add colour without being overpowering as its size is limited and if upholstered, adds a sense of comfort. Lots of people add cushions to the decor to add texture and luxury but realistically, anything more than two cushions is a nuisance as you have to remove them every night before you get into bed, let alone replacing them on the bed in the morning. Let the headboard and two cushions do the job.

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6 Tips for Decorating and Furnishing Baby Bedrooms

6 Tips Baby Bedrooms

In Ireland, we tend to be a bit superstitious in terms of our preparations for a baby. I had my first child in England and I remember a friend being amazed by how I bought the bare minimum in preparation for the birth – so much so that she bought me a bag with lots of essentials when she visited me and my little boy in the hospital. Do you remember the episode of Glenroe when a heavily pregnant Biddy told Miley to take the gift of a second-hand pram out of the house in case it carried bad luck?

Perhaps I’m showing my age and young first-time mothers aren’t as superstitious now but whether you’re decorating the nursery or just planning, I’m going to share tips for getting that nursery ready today. I’m sharing some of my favourite photographs of beautiful bedrooms for babies. Each one has something incredibly useful so you can merge whichever ones you want for your own decorating scheme.

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Posted in Bedrooms, Decorating, Decorating Tips, Design Ideas, Girls Bedroom, Nursery | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to Save Money, get Better Cover from your Home Insurance and a Chance to Win Free Gadget Insurance!

insurance tips
Quote Devil have written a guest article for us providing tips on how to save money on your home insurance. They are also offering 3 gadget insurance policies up for grabs in a competition for subscribers of Tradesmen.ie who request a no obligation quote for home or gadget insurance before the end of September. See below:-


Most of us find the world of Home Insurance daunting, frustrating and sometimes completely complex. Many factors make up your home cover and the price you pay. We have broken down the different parts below and offered some tips in getting the best cover for the best price.

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Results and Video of our June Draw 2017

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our June Draw 2017. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of May was held on June 30th. The results are as follows:-

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Open Plan Living: Pros and Cons

Open Plan Living - Advantages and Disadvantages

Open Plan Living generally refers to homes having the kitchen, living room and dining room in one, rather than including rooms like bedrooms or offices. It’s defined as having few or no dividing walls between areas.

Open plan living has certainly become more popular in recent years, particularly as homes become better insulated and indeed, when watching home improvement programmes, one could be forgiven for thinking that most renovated homes opt for open plan. If you are renovating or building and considering open plan, here are points to consider for and against open plan living.

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Ten Tips for Wonderful Window Boxes

windowboxes blue

I was visiting a friend recently and was struck by how different the front of their house looked with the addition of flowering window boxes. I always say that windows are the soul to a house. Just as you look into a person’s eyes to determine their true feelings and to make eye contact, the windows of a house say a lot about its style and its personality. Therefore, especially in summer, window boxes can really embellish a home’s soul!

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Decorating with Butterflies

How to decorate with butterfliesButterflies, birds and bees are what you need this summer – not just in the garden but in your home. And no, not live ones but butterflies, birds and bees on fabrics and wallpaper are on trend and are great for introducing a summery feel to a room, even if it’s just a butterfly motif design on a few cushions on a sofa.

Butterfly motifs were immensely popular during Victorian times, and were depicted within florals or damask swirls on fabrics and wallpapers. Butterflies symbolise endurance, optimism, change and resurrection (think about the process of metamorphosis) and are common motifs within many cultures including Chinese, Japanese, Indian and French.

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Results and Video of our May Draw 2017

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our May Draw 2017. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of April was held on May 31st. The results are as follows:-

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Do you need an Interior Designer?

Room Junkie Anne

This week, we’re interviewing interior designer Anne Tuohy of Room Junkie and asking her to share some tips from her own knowledge of decorating houses. Anne put her skills and qualifications to use on their own home first, and now shows people how to create a stylish high end look, no matter what their budget is. Anne has also taken part in (and won) the programme Showhouse where she was in charge of the decorating of a complete house within the timescale of a mere six days.

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