Guide to Preventing Mould in Your Home

Guide to Preventing Mould in Your Home

Mould, beyond being unsightly, can pose health risks such as asthma, respiratory infections, and allergies if left untreated. Addressing mould issues promptly is key to maintaining a healthy home environment. Here’s a guide to identifying, addressing, and preventing mould infestations:-

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Guide to Keeping Your Home in Tip-Top Shape This Summer

Guide to Keeping Your Home in Tip-Top Shape This Summer

In Ireland, summer weather can be unpredictable, recent years have brought a mix of warm seasons and disappointingly cooler and wetter conditions. In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies to protect your home from moisture, ensure your heating and insulation systems can handle temperature fluctuations, and maintain the exterior of your home against the elements. Here are practical maintenance tips for a comfortable and trouble-free summer:-

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AI-Assisted Home Renovations: A Simple Guide to Starting with ChatGPT

AI-Assisted Home Renovations A Simple Guide to Starting with ChatGPT

Have you ever wondered if Artificial Intelligence (AI) could save you time and money on your home renovation or maintenance projects? Or are you concerned that learning these systems might take more effort than they’re worth? When embarking on a home renovation, leveraging AI doesn’t necessarily mean diving into complex systems. A more accessible approach involves starting with basic AI tools that can simplify the planning and decision-making process. One such tool is ChatGPT, an AI-driven chatbot that can provide initial guidance, clarify your renovation goals, and help articulate the right questions to ask as your project unfolds.

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Results and Video of our June Draw 2024 monthly draw

Hi folks, each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you are also in with a chance to win a cash prize or make a donation to your favourite charity!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of May was held on June 28. The results are as follows:-

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Suggestions for Integrating Vintage and Modern Decor in Your Home

antique and modern decor

Having lived in an old home ourselves, we’ve gained valuable insights into balancing vintage charm with modern convenience.  Incorporating vintage finds into modern decor can transform a living space, adding character, history, and a unique charm. The key to achieving a balanced and cohesive look is to blend the old with the new in a way that feels intentional and stylish. Here are some suggestions to help you integrate vintage pieces with modern decor seamlessly:-

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Customer Testimonial for

Customer Review on

Here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Conleth Meehan. Conleth posted a job on and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Transforming Your Home for Elderly Comfort and Safety

Transforming Your Home for Elderly Comfort and Safety

A few years ago, before my mother passed away, she became more immobile, and we had to make some adjustments to our parent’s home to accommodate her needs. This experience taught me the importance of creating a senior-friendly environment. Whether for a loved one or ourselves as we age, here are key strategies to transform your home for elderly comfort and safety:

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Results and Video of our May Draw 2024 monthly draw

Hi folks, each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you are also in with a chance to win a cash prize or make a donation to your favourite charity!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of April was held on May 28. The results are as follows:-

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Tradespeople: A Discussion on Careers, Job Security, Pay, and Advocacy

trades careers

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, it’s essential to recognise the valuable opportunities that careers in the trades offer. With over 16 years of experience working closely with tradespeople in Ireland, we have gained a unique perspective on the industry. We aim to share these insights and offer suggestions on why young people should seriously consider pursuing a trade, why pay for trade professions needs to be improved, and why there should be more advocacy groups set up for tradespeople.  This article is not intended to prescribe definitive solutions to these issues but rather to serve as a starting point for further dialogue and consideration:-

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Summer Ready Gardens: Tips for creating an outdoor oasis with landscaping and decor

Summer-Ready Gardens: Tips for creating an outdoor oasis with landscaping and decor

As the days grow longer and we finally get a bit of good weather, it’s time to turn our attention to our gardens. With the arrival of summer, our outdoor spaces beckon us to transform them into havens of relaxation and beauty. Whether you have a sprawling back garden or a cozy balcony, there are endless possibilities for creating your own summer sanctuary.

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