Category Archives: Gardening Tips

Summer Ready Gardens: Tips for creating an outdoor oasis with landscaping and decor

As the days grow longer and we finally get a bit of good weather, it’s time to turn our attention to our gardens. With the arrival of summer, our outdoor spaces beckon us to transform them into havens of relaxation … Continue reading

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Rain Gardens and Water Butts to Mitigate Water Runoff

In the face of climate change and increasing urbanization, managing water runoff has become a crucial environmental challenge. Recently I attended a workshop for the Community Climate Action fund in our area.  I was impressed by the presentation in which … Continue reading

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Best Climbing Plants for Pergolas

Have you noticed that pergolas are making a comeback? I provided examples of pergolas, explaining their advantages, in a recent blog post but even in the month since then, I’ve noticed they are surging in popularity. Dermot Bannon, the architect … Continue reading

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Pergola – creating an extra room in your garden

As the weather gets warmer and the evenings are brighter, you may be planning on spending more time in the garden – and wishing you had an inviting space to sit and relax in the open air. Maybe you need … Continue reading

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Up the Garden Path: 10 Best Garden Path Ideas

Garden paths are important in a garden for many reasons. They have a practical function and should ‘do what it says on the tin’ by providing a path from A to B, from the garden gate to the front door … Continue reading

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Getting Your Home Ready For Winter

It’s really getting wintry now. Are you wondering where the time has gone? Are those jobs you meant to do over Hallow’een still waiting? You may have put away your summer clothes and you’re already wearing your winter coat, hat and … Continue reading

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Ten Tips for Wonderful Window Boxes

I was visiting a friend recently and was struck by how different the front of their house looked with the addition of flowering window boxes. I always say that windows are the soul to a house. Just as you look … Continue reading

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How to Create Fabulous Outdoor Eating Spaces – 6 Tips

Summer is on its way and with the Easter Monday and a May bank holiday coming up, it’s the perfect time to plan and create a space for outdoor eating. When we do get good weather in Ireland (and let’s … Continue reading

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Why you need Plants in your Home

As winter approaches, the evenings darken earlier, our homes don’t get as much natural light and it’s not just our bodies that suffer from lack of Vitamin D but our homes can seem duller too. We all know that exercise … Continue reading

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Gardening Jobs for April

Yes, I know, the weather hasn’t been very kind to us for the last week and many of our gardens will be, if not waterlogged, then exceedingly damp. The nights are still cold too. Now that Easter is over and … Continue reading

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