Irish Blog Awards – Vote For Us! - Vote for UsHi folks,
we’re delighted to have been shortlisted in the 2015 Irish Blog Awards. It is a great tribute to all of you, our users and subscribers who have supported us over the last 7 years and engaged with our blog and other social channels. was set up to give tradesmen an opportunity to grow their business and to give home and business owners a chance to get up to 4 quotes from rated tradesmen. has helped to create and sustain jobs for tradesmen over the last 7 years with over 150,000 jobs posted on our website during this period.

Now I want to ask you for a favour, please vote for us and help us to continue to provide this worthwhile service!  Thanks so much for your support, we really appreciate it!

Best Marketing and Communications Blog – CLICK HERE TO VOTE

Best Educational & Science Blog – CLICK HERE TO VOTE

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8 Home Extension & Renovation Tips

Home Extension and Renovation Tips
Hi folks,
Extending or renovating your home will be among the most expensive costs you will have in your life. Proper planning and supervision of your project will help to ensure that the work is carried out to the highest standard and with the least amount of inconvenience. Here are some home extension & renovation tips to help you achieve these goals:-

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Results and Video of our August Draw 2015 monthly draw small text

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our August Draw. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of July was held on August 28th. The results are as follows:-

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Interview with Tradesman James Owens – Video

Hi folks,
here is an interview I did with James Owens at one of our workshops recently.  James is a qualified carpenter from Blanchardstown and has been getting a lot of positive feedback from users of  Sometimes the Internet can be a bit impersonal so it’s nice to be able to see one of the tradesmen in person on this video.  If you are a customer hopefully this interview will help you identify positive signals to look out for when hiring a professional tradesman.  If you are a tradesman, I hope this interview will give you a few tips and help you to see areas where you can improve your customer service and be more successful in the future.  You can see the interview below:-

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Construction Work Safety in the Home

Construction Safety in the home
Hi folks,
in this article I want to talk about construction work safety and the responsibilities for homeowners in making sure that construction work is carried out safely in the home.  These responsibilities are covered under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013.  I would also encourage tradesmen to read this article and to check out the checklist at the bottom of this article and in the HSA Guide.  If you are a tradesman, try to ensure that you can answer ‘yes’ to the relevant questions in the checklist and that you carry a file with relevant certs and policies to support your claims.

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Garden Tips for Autumn

garden tips for autumn

Hi folks,
this article is about garden tips for Autumn.  Well the weather in July and August was disagreeable this year but crops have been doing well and gardens are looking great!  Hopefully we’ll get some fine weather this Autumn so that we can enjoy sitting out in the garden and enjoy the fruits of our labour during the Summer, or the fruits of someone else’s labour as the case may be:-)

Well there is always lots to do in the garden.  If you have the time or the interest, it’s really a very satisfying hobby.  Some people can be put off as they think it’s a lot of work and they don’t know where to start.   However, keeping a garden doesn’t have to be a big job.  You can literally get started by planting a few flowers or vegetables in a window box or corner of the garden and progress from there year by year as you become more confident.

There are many gardening groups that you can join to get some more tips and keep you motivated:-)  Another approach is to do some of the smaller gardening tasks yourself and hire a local gardener for the big work of planting and digging, to keep an eye out for, and spray for pests and diseases.  He/she can recommend a weekly spray program if you wish to do the spraying yourself.  Anyway, enough of the introduction, let’s get started, here is a list of the Autumn jobs and tips for the garden below, hope you enjoy reading through them:-

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Video Testimonial from Breda Trimble

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Breda Trimble. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Results and Video of our July Draw 2015 monthly draw small text

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our July Draw. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback.  So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month June was held on July 24th. The results are as follows:-

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House Extension Tips – 12 Tips on Extending your Home

House Extension Tips
Hi folks,
we’ve noticed a big pick up in house extensions this year and last, so we’ve decided it’s a good time to look at house extension tips once again.  We’ve done this article before but I think it’s extremely important so I hope you can get a chance to read through it and add a comment at the bottom if you have any tips of your own.   Please have a look at the links to other related articles at the bottom as well as we have added the latest ones from our blog.  They may well contain other information you need when considering any construction activity around the home.

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Top 10 Bathroom Renovation Tips

Top 10 Bathroom Renovation TipsHi folks,
the bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in the house so it’s important to make sure it is designed and laid out well.   A while ago we wrote an article on the top 10 bathroom renovation tips to consider for your bathroom renovation plan.  As a result of popular demand we are delighted to bring you yet again, the top 10 bathroom renovation tips:-

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