8 Kitchen Seating Ideas

Dining rooms are becoming a rarity now in many houses. Kitchens have become bigger, often containing a kitchen island (for food preparation and informal meals), and a large kitchen table. Some have space for a couple of armchairs which creates a relaxing atmosphere as well as a nice place to sit with a cuppa.

The seating at the kitchen table needs to be practical, hard wearing, attractive, and indeed, it can often make a statement within the room too. If you’re looking for versatile seating with a difference, do read on.

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Pergola – creating an extra room in your garden

As the weather gets warmer and the evenings are brighter, you may be planning on spending more time in the garden – and wishing you had an inviting space to sit and relax in the open air. Maybe you need more space, an additional room but can’t afford a conservatory? Perhaps you want to create a statement area in the garden or need a canopy for the hot tub. The answer just might be a pergola, the perfect extra (open-air) room in the garden.

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Richard Gavin Testimonial for Tradesmen.ie

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Richard Gavin. Richard posted a number of jobs on Tradesmen.ie and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Results and Video of our April Draw 2019

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our April Draw 2019. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of March was held on May 3rd. The results are as follows:-

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Move House or Extend?

You’re running out of space in your home. Another bedroom is needed, a larger kitchen would be great, a shower room would be extremely handy and more storage wouldn’t go astray either. Should you consider moving house or should you build an extension? Here are the advantages and disadvantages of both scenarios:-

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Mary Jordan Testimonial for Tradesmen.ie

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Mary Jordan. Mary posted a number of jobs on Tradesmen.ie and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Let Textures Transform Your Home

Adding textures to your interior decoration can really transform your home. Bare surfaces, tiled floors, leather sofas, painted walls can combine to make a room appear cold and bare even though it may seem to have sufficient furniture. Texture will make a room appear warmer, textured accessories can absorb sound, reflect the light and generally improve the atmosphere of a room.

Recently, my daughter and I called to a popular restaurant for lunch and as we expected, it was busy. What surprised us was the difficulty of conversing and being able to hear each other even though we were sitting opposite each other. The noise of people talking and of cutlery banging off crockery was incredibly loud. There were no fabrics to absorb the sound and the noise seemed to reverberate off the many bare surfaces. Texture is so important be it in a public space or a private home

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Results and Video of our March Draw 2019

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our March Draw 2019. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of February was held on April 2nd. The results are as follows:-

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Shared Children’s Bedroom Ideas

Sharing bedrooms is great for children. It teaches them how to share, to be respectful of other people’s boundaries, to join in teamwork when tidying up and it can be good fun chatting after the lights have been turned off and they are supposed to be quiet and sleepy.

However, siblings fight and argue as well as play well together. So how do you create a bedroom that provides them with some personal space and individuality. Read on for our tips for creating a bedroom for siblings to share in harmony.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Freestanding Kitchens

The increasing popularity of kitchen islands and butcher blocks have led to a return to freestanding kitchens, perhaps not to the extent of the 1940s when the sink was the only fixed item in a kitchen, but between a desire for more flexibility and more character, freestanding kitchens are having a well deserved resurgence in popularity.

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