Helena White Testimonial for Tradesmen.ie

Here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Helena White. Helena posted a job on Tradesmen.ie and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Covid 19 New Public Health Measures

Covid 19 Update The Path Ahead

On April 29th new public health measures were announced by the Irish Government dubbed “The Path Ahead”.   These are a series of easements in the restrictions that we have experienced since late December 2020.   Ireland is in the early stages of the Recovery phase of the pandemic and the vaccination programme is well advanced.

Due to advice from the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), the Government is satisfied that a careful and phased re-opening can be rolled out in May and June, “with an emphasis on outdoor activity and a moderate increase in social contact, can be considered low to medium risk. NPHET has advised that there is scope to ease a range of public health measures in this manner with sufficient time between any easing of measures to assess the impact.”

One of the main points is that all construction can restart from May 4th and workers who work outdoors can return to work.  I have summarised some of the other points below:-

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Results and Video of our April Draw 2021

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks, I hope you’re still staying safe from the Corona Virus. At Tradesmen.ie, we are continuing to provide our service while following the Government guidelines. Please feel free to look for quotes but make sure to keep up to date on the Corona Virus news from the Government and the HSE at www.gov.ie and www.hse.ie. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you are also in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of March was held on April 28th. The results are as follows:-

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Attic Conversion Price Survey 2021

Tradesmen.ie Attic Conversion Cost Survey 2021

Recently we carried out a survey on attic conversion prices with some tradesmen on our website.   The Covid-19 vaccination programme is making progress and hopefully by the end of the Summer the worst will be behind us.   However, the past 12 months may change the way we live and work in the future, for example there may be more working from home or college students may attend their courses from home using online facilities.

If an extra room is needed for work or study, an attic conversion might be worth looking at.  In our attic conversion survey the question we asked was as follows:- How much would it cost, excluding vat, to add an extra bedroom in the attic and were there any tips they could give for getting the best job done. Here is a sample of the replies we received below:- Continue reading

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Mark Gallagher Testimonial for Tradesmen.ie

Here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Mark Gallagher. Mark posted a job on Tradesmen.ie and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-
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Roof Repair Cost Survey 2021

Roof Repair Cost Survey 2021

Hi folks, The weather has been fine for the last couple of weeks but when the rain starts falling again, there are sure to be some leaks that will show up where roof tiles are loose or missing.  A while ago we did a quick Roof Repair Cost Survey with some roofers. We asked some roofers to give us a rough estimate of what it would cost to repair or replace a roof tile that has blown off. We also asked them to give any advice or suggestions on how to have a good experience with the tradesman. Here is a sample of the replies we got below:- Continue reading

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Results and Video of our March Draw 2021

tradesmen.ie monthly draw
Hi folks, I hope you’re still staying safe from the Corona Virus. At Tradesmen.ie, we are continuing to provide our service while following the Government guidelines. Please feel free to look for quotes but make sure to keep up to date on the Corona Virus news from the Government and the HSE at www.gov.ie and www.hse.ie. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you are also in with a chance to win a cash prize as well! The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of February was held on March 27th. The results are as follows:- Continue reading
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House Painting Cost Survey 2021


Hi folks, recently we carried out a house painting cost survey with some tradesmen from our website.   We asked them how much it would cost to paint the interior of an average 3 bed Semi detached house and if they had any tips for the customer on having a good experience with the tradesman.  We have included a sample of the replies below:- Continue reading

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Bathroom Renovation Cost Survey 2021

bathroom renovation cost survey

Hi folks,
recently we carried out a quick survey of bathroom renovation costs from tradesmen listed on our site.   We asked them how much it would cost to renvovate a 30sq m bathroom (tiling, plumbing and electrics).  We also asked if there were any tips they could give to get the best job done.

Here is a sample of the replies we received below:-

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Results and Video of our February Draw 2021

tradesmen.ie monthly draw

Hi folks, I hope you’re still staying safe from the Corona Virus. At Tradesmen.ie, we are continuing to provide our service while following the Government guidelines. Please feel free to look for quotes but make sure to keep up to date on the Corona Virus news from the Government and the HSE at www.gov.ie and www.hse.ie. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you are also in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of January was held on March 6th. The results are as follows:-

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