Phase 2 of lifting COVID-19 restrictions

Hi folks,

In Ireland the Covid-19 Corona Virus lockdown began on Friday 27th March 2020.  From 18 May 2020, Phase 1 of Ireland’s Roadmap for reopening came into place.   Phase 2 of lifting COVID-19 restrictions is coming into place on 8 June.

Here are some of the changes that will come into place below in relation to work, retail, face coverings and travel:-

COVID-19 is still having a major impact on our country. By working together we have made progress – but the virus is still in Ireland.

As we reopen our country, it is vital that we all continue to observe the public health guidance. To stay safe, you need to limit where you go and limit the number of people you meet. Here are five things you should know for Phase 2:

    Stay Local: You may travel within your own county, and up to 20 kilometres from your home if crossing county boundaries.

    Meeting other people: You may meet up to 6 people from outside your household both indoors and outdoors for social gatherings. Organised outdoor exercise, sporting, cultural or social activities of up to 15 people may take place

    Shops: All retail is reopening. Shop locally, shop safely and support businesses in your community.

    Work from home: It is more important than ever to work from home where possible.

    Transport: Walk or cycle if you can. Only use public transport if you absolutely need to. Public transport capacity is limited because of social distancing requirements.

Community health

It is recommenced that face coverings be worn in public places, such as shops, and on public transport. You may meet up to six people from outside your household both indoors and outdoors for social gatherings. Organised outdoor exercise, sporting, cultural or social activities of up to 15 people may take place. If you are over 70 or medically vulnerable be extra vigilant. Up to 25 immediate family and close friends may attend funeral services.

Economic activity and work

The Return to Work Safely Protocol is the operative guide for employers and employees.

Working from home must continue wherever possible.

Marts may open where social distancing and hygiene can be maintained.

Retail, services and commercial activity

All retail outlets may open. Opening times and modes of operation may vary. Please co-operate with store staff and abide by systems put in place for your safety.

Transport and travel

Public transport

Social distancing means that overall capacity remains extremely restricted. Use public transport only for essential journeys.

Wearing a face covering is recommended.

Avoid peak-time travel.

Walk or cycle if possible.


Despite these gradual easing of restrictions, please remember
that the virus is a threat and you must practice the normal things to make sure you do not catch or spread the virus such as the following:-

  • Staying at home if at all
  • washing your hands properly and
  • covering your mouth and nose with
    a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
  • not touching your eyes, nose or
    mouth if your hands are not clean
  • social distancing (keeping at
    least 2 metres away from other people)

Remember to continue to follow HSE guidelines when posting jobs
on our website to make sure that work you are carrying out is permitted under the guidelines.    

You can see the full list of the Phase 2 Lifting of Covid-19 Restrictions on the Government website here

At, we are continuing to provide our service within the restrictions that apply.  Please feel free to look for quotes but only work that complies with the government guidelines should be carried out until these restrictions are lifted.   

You can keep up to date with news from the Government and the HSE at and

 If you, or a member of your family are experiencing symptoms potentially  linked to Coronavirus, please call the HSE on 1850 241 850, follow the  advice on and contact your family Doctor.

We all have a personal responsibility to follow the guidelines that are in place.  In particular, I would encourage everyone yet again to wear face coverings to protect others.  If we all abide by the guidelines we will have a much better chance of getting over this pandemic as soon as possible.


Oliver Dempsey

6 June 2020

About Oliver Dempsey

Owner and Managing Director at and contributor to the Blog DISCLAIMER: All content provided in my articles is for informational purposes only. The information contained in these articles has been obtained from research carried out by myself through online and offline sources and through other writers and contributors who provide me with content. While I am responsible for the final editing of each article and I do my best to verify the information, I do not make representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information. Therefore you must not rely on the information contained in any of these articles and always make sure to seek the advice of a suitably qualified expert before embarking on any project.
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