House Painting Cost Survey 2020

House Painting Cost Survey

Hi folks, recently we carried out a house painting cost survey on some painters on our website.  The question we asked was, how much would it cost excluding VAT to paint an average 3 bed semi inside and out.  We also asked them were there any tips they would give in choosing the best painter for the job?  Here is a sample of the replies we got below:-

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Alan Kennedy Testimonial for

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Alan Kennedy. Alan posted a job on and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Preparing for the Storm

Preparing for the Storm

Storms seem to be getting more regular in Ireland these days.  It seems like there’s hardly a month that goes by that we don’t have some sort of a storm or a storm warning.  The West of the country usually gets it the worst as most of the weather comes in from the Atlantic but when it does come from the East, it really let’s us have it, as we experienced during Storm Ophelia in 2017.   If you can prepare in advance for a storm it will hopefully minimise any damage to your property and help you to cope better if anything  goes wrong.  Here are some tips to protect your home in the event of a storm and to help you deal with the problems that it may cause:-

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Results and Video of our January Draw 2020 monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our January Draw 2020. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of December was held on January 31st. The results are as follows:-

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Laminate Flooring Price Survey 2020

Laminate Flooring Price Survey

Hi folks,

recently we carried out a quick laminate flooring price survey among some tradesmen who are registered on our website. We asked them to give a rough price for a 50m2 floating laminate wooden floor, labour only including removing and refitting the skirting boards and architraves. In addition to this, we asked if they could give us an idea on the range of material prices and if they had any tips for getting the best job done. We have attached a sample of the replies we received below:-

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Bathroom Renovation Cost Survey 2020

bathroom renovation costHi folks,
recently we carried out a quick survey of bathroom renovation costs from tradesmen listed on our site.   We asked them for rough prices for tiling a bathroom floor to ceiling and replacing the sanitary ware (labour only) with a minimum and maximum price.  We also asked if they could give a minimum and maximum price for tiles and sanitary ware if they had time.  The bathroom size we gave them was 2.40metres x 1.80metres.

Here is a sample of the replies we received below:-

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Construction Work Safety in the Home

Construction Safety in the home
Hi folks,
in a recent report from the HSA, it reported an increase in construction site fatalities from 2016 to 2017.  So I thought it might be a good opportunity to begin the year with an emphasis on construction safety in the home.   I have covered this topic before but I think it’s important to review it again for anyone who may not be aware of the responsibilities of homeowners in relation to construction safety in the home.  These responsibilities are covered under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013. I would also encourage tradesmen to read this article and to check out the checklist at the bottom of this article and in the HSA Guide. If you are a tradesman, try to ensure that you can answer ‘yes’ to the relevant questions in the checklist and that you carry a file with relevant certs and policies to support your claims.

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Video Testimonial for

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Pauline. Pauline posted a job on and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year 2020 from

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, let’s continue to keep tradesmen working and customers happy in 2020!

Our office will be closed for the Christmas break until Friday 3rd of January but you can post jobs throughout the holidays on
our website at and they will be sent out every day except Sundays.

With Best Wishes,

From all the gang at!:)
1st January 2020

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Santa Announces the results of the 2019 Christmas Draw!!! Christmas DrawHi folks, here is the video of Santa as he announces the winners of the Christmas Draw to all the boys and girls!!

Each month we make a video of the draw for everyone who posts a job on and provides feedback. The winners receive cash prizes and a mention on our blog:)

The draw for everyone who provided feedback in November was held on December 25th. You can see a video of the draw below:-

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