Attic Conversion Price Survey 2020 Attic Conversion Cost Survey 2020
Hi folks,
recently we carried out a survey on attic conversion prices with some of our tradesmen across Ireland. The country is currently in a lockdown with the Corona Virus but hopefully in the coming months the lockdown can be gradually lifted and we can start looking at home improvements again.  If you have been reading my previous articles you will see some important steps I think we need to take in order to get the virus under control.

Covid-19 will change the way we live and work in the future, for example there may be more working from home or college students may attend their courses from home using online facilities.  If extra room is needed for work or study, an attic conversion might be worth looking at.  In our attic conversion survey the question we asked was as follows:- How much would it cost, excluding vat, to add an extra bedroom in the attic and were there any tips they could give for getting the best job done. Here is a sample of the replies we received below:-

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Results and Video of our April Draw 2020 monthly draw

Hi folks,

I hope you are all coping ok with the Corona Virus lock down.

At, we are continuing to provide our service within the restrictions that apply. Please feel free to look for quotes but non-essential works in the home should not be carried out until these restrictions are lifted.

You can keep up to date with news from the Government and the HSE at and

Here are the results and video of our April Draw 2020. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of March was held on April 26th. The results are as follows:-

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Face Masks Letter to TDs and NPHET Members

Hi folks,
I have been very concerned that we are still not making enough progress in slowing the spread of the Covid-19 Corona Virus in this country. So I had a look at what some other countries were doing and I discovered that by far the most successful countries in slowing the spread of the virus were those who were recommending that people wear face masks. I was surprised that our leaders and medical experts have not followed the example of these countries so over the last couple of days I sat down and wrote a letter and sent it to every TD in Dail Eireann. I then followed up by sending a copy of it to each of the members of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET). I hope they will look at how other countries have used mask wearing to bring the virus under control. You can see a copy of the letter below. Please feel free to share it or to copy any points that you want from it to encourage our elected representatives and medical experts to change their policy on face masks:-

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Wear a Face Mask and Protect Others

Hi folks,
these are unprecedented times we live in. I have to be blunt about this, the Covid-19 Corona Virus poses the greatest threat to millions of lives since World War Two. Millions of people could die if this pandemic is not brought under control as soon as possible. The solution to this is in our own hands, each one of us can take a personal responsibility and take some small steps to stop the spread of the virus and save lives. I really want to encourage our readers and subscribers to wear home made face masks when going out in public to protect others and in particular to protect front line staff that you come in contact with such as shop assistants, check out staff, security staff in shops and supermarkets, the Gardai and medical staff to mention a few.

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March Draw & Face Mask Plea to Slow Down Corona Virus Spread

Hi folks,
I hope you are all coping ok with the Corona Virus Lock Down. I don’t usually do this but in this video of our March Draw I just felt that I had to make a plea to our government and everyone to wear face masks. I feel very strongly that wearing face masks will help prevent the spread of the Corona virus and save live. I’m not sure if many people will see it or take heed but if you agree that face masks might help to slow down the spread of the Corona Virus and save lives, please leave a comment, share this video or share some of the links below. You can see a rough transcript and video of the draw below:-

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Corona Virus Lockdown

The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, and Minister for Health, Simon Harris, issued strict guidelines for people to stay at home from midnight Friday 27th March 2020.

These guidelines may seem very strict but they are necessary in order to help slow down the spread of the virus, take the pressure off our Health Service and save lives.

The main rule is to STAY AT HOME.

The only times you can leave your home are as follows:-

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Roof Repair Cost Survey

Laminate Flooring Price Survey

Hi folks,

lately we did a quick Roof Repair Cost Survey with some roofers.   There has been a lot of storms in recent months and some roofs have been damaged so we wanted to get an idea of the minimum cost involved in carrying out a simple roof repair job.  We asked some roofers to give us a rough estimate of what it would cost to repair or replace a roof tile that has blown off.  We also asked them to give any advice or suggestions to maintain a roof in good condition and prevent tiles from getting loose and falling off?

Here are a sample of the replies we got below:-

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Happy St. Patricks Day from

Hi folks,

We would like to wish all our users and subscribers a very Happy St. Patricks Day.  In his St. Patricks Day address, our President Michael D. Higgins has called on the Irish people to follow the values embodied in the story of St. Patrick as we are confronted with the challenge of the Corona Virus.   He went on to say that,

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Jim Curtis Testimonial for

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Jim Curtis. Jim posted a job on and was very happy with the result. You can see the video feedback below:-

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Results and Video of our February Draw 2020 monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and video of our February Draw 2020. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month of January was held on February 29th. The results are as follows:-

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