Winterising Your Home: Steps to Prepare Your Home for Colder Weather

winterising your home

As the days grow shorter and a chill enters the air, we know it’s time to prepare for the winter months. Given our unique climate in Ireland, winterising involves more than just keeping the cold outβ€”it’s about ensuring your home is ready for wet, windy conditions. Here are some of the steps you can take:

  1. Inspect Heating Systems:
    • Schedule a professional maintenance check for your boiler or heating system, and ensure radiators are bled and working efficiently.
    • If using fireplaces, ensure chimneys are cleaned and free from blockages.
  2. Seal Windows and Doors:
    • Weatherstrip doors to prevent drafts and potential water leaks.
    • Ensure windows are well-sealed. Consider secondary glazing for older windows to improve insulation.
  3. Clean Gutters and Drains:
    • Clear fallen leaves and debris from gutters to ensure rainwater flows freely. Given Ireland’s rainy winter, this is essential.
    • Check drains and gullies to ensure they’re free from obstructions.
  4. Check Home Insulation:
    • Make sure that your attic, walls, and floors have adequate insulation. This not only retains heat but prevents dampness.
  5. Protect Against Damp:
    • Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to dampness.
    • Ensure good ventilation, especially in bathrooms and kitchens.
  6. Garden and Outdoor Preparations:
    • Secure or store outdoor furniture and ornaments, which might get damaged in winter storms.
    • Check trees for loose branches that might fall during strong winds.
  7. Roof and Attic Inspection:
    • Examine your roof for any loose tiles and ensure they’re fixed.
    • Ensure your attic has proper insulation and ventilation.
  8. Draft Excluders:
    • Install draft excluders at the bottom of doors, especially external ones, to prevent cold air and moisture from seeping in.
  9. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
    • Ensure they are working properly, especially with increased use of heating systems during colder months.
  10. Prepare for Power Outages:
  • While not as common, winter storms in Ireland can lead to power disruptions. Keep a torch, candles, and a battery-powered radio ready. Fully charge your mobile devices when a storm is forecast.
  1. Footwear and Clothing:
  • Store winter footwear like wellies near the door to avoid tracking mud and rainwater into the house.
  • Keep a good stock of warm blankets and consider thermal curtains for added warmth.

Conclusion: Winterising your home means preparing for a mix of wet, windy, and cold conditions. Taking the time to do so not only ensures comfort but can also save on heating bills and prevent potential weather-related damages. Embrace the winter months with confidence, knowing your home is ready for whatever the Irish weather has in store.Β  And if you need help carrying out any of the above work, you can get a number of quotes for your job on hereπŸ™‚

Oliver Dempsey
24 October 2023

General Tips for hiring a tradesman

Here are some tips to consider when hiring a tradesman:-

1. Ask for phone numbers of references so that you can check them out

2. Check insurance of the tradesman where insurance is required

3. Hire a suitably qualified architect, building surveyor or building engineer if the job is anything to do with a new build, building renovation or extension

4. Agree on some sort of stage payments for the job. Remember that full payment should not be made until the job is complete and has been inspected by you, and if necessary by a certifier.


About Oliver Dempsey

Owner and Managing Director at and contributor to the Blog DISCLAIMER: All content provided in my articles is for informational purposes only. The information contained in these articles has been obtained from research carried out by myself through online and offline sources and through other writers and contributors who provide me with content. While I am responsible for the final editing of each article and I do my best to verify the information, I do not make representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information. Therefore you must not rely on the information contained in any of these articles and always make sure to seek the advice of a suitably qualified expert before embarking on any project.
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