6 Requirements for an Efficient Mudroom

Creating_an_ideal_mudroom_for_your_homeWhat is a mudroom? Is it the same thing as a scullery? Is it just a different word for a back hallway?

A mudroom is usually positioned just inside or next to the back or side door of the house. It is used to store all of those things that you need for going outside into the elements: wellies, boots, umbrellas, coats, hats and sports bags. While visitors will enter and exit the house via the front door, the house can be kept cleaner and tidier if the family enter and exit via the mudroom, leaving their outdoor shoes, their football gear, their wet coats, there before proceeding any further. The mudroom can be a hallway positioned inside the back door or a room off the kitchen for example.

Is a mudroom the same as a scullery? Traditionally, sculleries were used as a secondary kitchen, where messy food preparation was carried out, where pots and pans were washed and where the washing machine was positioned.  They are often called utility rooms or laundry rooms now. A mudroom can contain the washing machine and tumble dryer of course, but its main function is a place to remove, store and put back on footwear and clothing needed for outdoors.

What do mudrooms need in order to function efficiently and look appealing?

Mudroom Requirement No. 1 – A Seat

Why would you want to sit down in a mudroom? You won’t be sitting there long but it is handy to have a seat to perch on while taking your boots or shoes off.

mudroom seat


It doesn’t have to be a bulky chair that would take up a lot of room. A bench within a built-in storage unit is ideal – as long as you don’t use the bench for storing so many items that there isn’t room for anyone to perch there. Open shelving or pull out drawers under the bench will provide extra storage too.

Mudroom Requirement No. 2 – Storage

Mudroom storage


Storage is essential. If each person can have a designated cupboard, drawers and coat hooks, it should help with keeping it tidy and prevent things getting mislaid.

Mudroom Requirement No. 3 – For Pets

mudroom pets


Some prefer to let their pets sleep in the mudroom so space for a dog bed is essential. An extra large sink or a shower tray for washing the dogs is a good idea as they can be hosed down before they go further into the house.

Mudroom Requirement No. 4 – Hard Flooring

Your flooring needs to be tile or linoleum, something that can be washed quickly and easily so that dirt doesn’t build up.

Mudroom Requirement No. 5 – A Door


A mudroom doesn’t have to be a large room. A large walk-in cupboard could suffice for some families. It’s all about having a space in the house where those soggy or muddy objects can be left so that they don’t leave a trail all over the house (and the mess can be hidden away from visitors eyes). A sliding door works well if there isn’t enough space for a door to open out. The main thing is having a space so you can shut the door and store away these items instead of falling over numerous football boots and wellies strewn around.

Mudroom Requirement No. 6 – Lots of Coat Hooks

Coats accumulate. If there are five people in your household and each person has a summer jacket, a rain coat and a warm coat, that’s fifteen coats before you start to add items like umbrellas or cardigans. If you don’t have enough coat hooks, then some items get buried under others.

Mudroom coathooks


Two rows of coats hooks, one upper and one lower, are a good idea. The lower ones can be used to hold children’s coats (and the children can reach them easily) or short jackets, thereby doubling up on the use of the space available.  The coat hooks can hold schoolbags or sports bags too.

I hope you found this tips for a practical and welcoming mudroom useful when planning your new home or making changes to your existing house. If you require a tradesman to carry out any works, you can get up to four quotes from rated tradesmen on our website.

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