12 Tips for Tiling Walls and Floors

12 tips for tiling walls and floorsHi folks,

in this article we look at some tips for tiling walls and floors.  Tiles are popular because of their beauty, durability, are water resistant and easy to keep clean.

The most frequently tiled rooms in the house are bathrooms and kitchens, mainly because a durable, hard wearing, water resistant finish is needed.

Many people think that wall tiling is just a vertical floor and that it’s an easy job. This isn’t entirely the case.

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Results and Video of our February Draw 2014

Tradesmen.ie February DrawHi folks,
here are the results and the video of our February Draw 2014.  Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month January was held on February 28th.  The results are as follows:-

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Roof Repair Price Survey

Damaged RoofHi folks,
lately we did a quick Roof Repair Price Survey with some roofers.   A lot of damage was done to roofs in the recent storms so we wanted to get an idea of the minimum cost involved.  We asked some roofers to give us a rough estimate of what it would cost to repair or replace a roof tile that has blown off.  We also asked them to give any advice or suggestions to maintain a roof in good condition and prevent tiles from getting loose and falling off?

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Training for Plumbers in Sustainable Energy & Heating Systems

LIT HeatPlus training for plumbersHi folks,
the following information is about training for plumbers and heating engineers located in Ireland and who are interested in upskilling for Sustainable Energy & Heating Systems and to gain access to 40 hours of German language classes.  The programme is funded by the EU.  If you are not a plumber or heating engineer, you may know one who would be interested in upskilling so please feel free to pass on this information.

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Working Areas in the Home – How to Organise them

Working Areas in the HomeHi folks, the majority of households in Ireland today may include a student, artist, business enthusiast, teacher- all sorts of individuals who have different needs and interests. However, space often becomes a challenge for these individuals when faced with pursuing their lifestyle in such a restricted setting. Today, we assess some ways to organise working areas in your home to allow the best use of space and room.

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Tradesmen.ie January Draw 2014

Its Draw Time!!Hi folks,
here is the video of our January Draw 2014.  Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback. So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month December was held on January 31st.   The results were as follows:- Continue reading

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Training for Tradesmen in Sustainable Building



Hi folks,
the following information is about training for tradesmen(carpenters and construction workers in particular)  located in Ireland and who are interested in upskilling for energy efficiency in buildings and to gain access to 40 hours of German language classes.  The programme is funded by the EU.  If you are not a tradesman, you may know tradesmen who would be interested in upskilling so please feel free to pass on this information.

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Tips for Removing Common Stains in your Home

removing-stainsThe longer most stains set, the harder they are to remove without damage to the stained surface. If you have invested time and money in your home and would like to keep your carpets, upholstered furniture, walls and floors looking new for as long as possible here are some tips for removing those awkward stains that seem to appear even though nobody ever claims responsibility for them 🙂

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Home Insurance Tips (Podcast) – What to look out for

Home Insurance

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This is part two of a two part podcast on home and building insurance.  The podcasts are based on an interview I had with Jim Power from Power Insurances on the subject of building insurance and home insurance.  In part 1 we looked at what building insurance was needed when extending or renovating your home.  Today we look at general insurance for the home.  You can see a sample of the questions I asked Jim below.  Please listen to the podcast to hear the answers.  If you have any questions or comments feel free to add them below in the comments section:- Continue reading

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New information available on the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI)


Hi folks,

the Revenue Commissioners asked us to let you know that they have new information available on the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI).

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