House Extension Cost Survey

House Extension Cost SurveyHi folks,
recently we did a House Extension Cost Survey with some of our tradesmen.  The question was how much would it cost to build an average 40m2 single story rear extension before VAT with apex roof finished to a good standard and ready to furnish?  Here is a sample of the replies below:-

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Conservatory and Sunroom Prices – Survey

Conservatory and Sunroom Prices
Hi folks,
today we did a quick survey on Conservatory and Sunroom Prices with a number of tradesmen around Ireland.   The last survey we did was in 2012 so we thought it might be interesting to see had prices changed much since.   The question we asked was as follows:- “We are looking for a price on a typical size 1. conservatory and 2. a typical size sunroom that you have done.   Both would require knocking out part of the wall of the living room of the house in order to join it on.  Also, if you have any tips for getting the best result”.   Here is a sample of some of the replies we got below:-

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Results and Video of our January Draw 2015 monthly draw

Hi folks,

here are the results and the video of our January Draw. Each month we have a draw for everyone who hires a tradesman and provides feedback.  So not only do you get up to 4 quotes from Rated Tradesmen but you also are in with a chance to win a cash prize as well!

The draw for everyone who hired a tradesman and provided feedback in the month December was held on January 31st.  The results are as follows:-

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Home Insulation Cost Survey

Home Insulation Cost Survey
Hi folks,
recently we did a home insulation cost survey on some insulation specialists on our  The question we asked was as follows:- “What is the best way to increase the insulation in a typical semi detached house with existing 2″ aeroboard in the cavity walls and existing 4″ of fibre glass between the ceiling joists? In addition to this how much would it cost including VAT to put it in place?”.  Here is a selection of the replies we got below:-

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Video Testimonial from Colin Campbell

Hi folks,
here is a video testimonial we received a while ago from Colin Campbell, Drimnagh, Dublin 12. Colin posted a number of  jobs for a home renovation which were completed by various tradesmen from You can see the video feedback below:-

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CCTV Camera Cost Survey

CCTV Camera Cost Survey
Hi Folks,
I hope you had a nice break over the Christmas and New Year.  I thought it might be a good time to look at CCTV camera costs in case you want to protect all of those goodies that Santa brought!!:)  This article is based on survey we did recently with some tradesmen on our website.  The question we asked was as follows:-  “How much would it cost excluding VAT to supply and fit a good quality CCTV camera system on an average house with 4 cameras and are there any tips that you would give for the best installation?”.  Here is a handful of the replies we received below:-

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Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year 2015
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, let’s continue to keep tradesmen working and customers happy in 2015!

Our office will be closed for the Christmas break until Friday 2nd of January but you can post jobs throughout the holidays on
our website at and they will be sent out every day except Christmas Day and Sundays. Email and text messages will be checked regularly throughout the Christmas Holidays.

With Best Wishes,

From all the gang at!:)
31st December 2014

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Santa Announces the Results of the 2014 Christmas Draw!!! Christmas Draw 2014Hi folks, here is the video of Santa as he announces the winners of the Christmas Draw to all the boys and girls!!

Each month we make a video of the draw for everyone who posts a job on and provides feedback.  The winners receive cash prizes and a mention on our blog:)

The draw for everyone who provided feedback in November was held on December 26th.  You can see a video of the draw below:-

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Happy Christmas from

Happy Christmas from everyone at

Thanks to everyone who has posted jobs on posting over 120,000
jobs helping to create and sustain employment in the Irish Economy. We hope that you enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling holiday season and new year filled with promise and opportunity.

Our office will be closed for Christmas from Monday 22nd of December and re-opening
on Friday 2nd of January but you can post jobs throughout the Christmas on
our website at and they will be sent out every day except Christmas Day and Sundays. Email and text messages will be checked throughout the Christmas Holidays.

With Best Wishes,

From all the gang at!:)

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Clean Your Chimney for Christmas!!!

Don't Forget to Clean Your Chimney
Hi folks, there are only 12 days left till Christimas so make sure to clean your chimney for Santa or he won’t be able to get down it!!  And not only for Santa’s sake but because you may be more likely to have solid fuel fires burning over the Christmas.  It is important to have your chimney cleaned regularly to prevent the soot which deposits on the inside of the chimney from catching fire.  If you are looking for a chimney sweep on all you have to do is click here and fill in your details.

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