Snow Bound in the BIG Freeze

Hi Folks,

Met Éireann is warning all that the feezing weather is to continue for another number of days as freezing temperatures are expected to remain over Ireland. Some believe that between 5cm and 10cm of snow will drop on a lot of the country very soon.

Many public transport services are still running, but delays and cancellations are expected. The weather is limiting the Luas sarvice in Dublin and delays are expected at Heuston station in Dublin. Tavelling is not advised and you should stay indoors if possible. Very bad road conditions have been reported in Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Louth, Meath, Wexford, Westmeath and Wicklow. Snow has refrozen in a lot of areas and those travelling are advised to drive with extreme care. Wrap up warm as the weather is showing no signs of improving.

Many jobs that are being posted on are due to these harsh weather conditions. Many customers are reporting about frozen pipes, require bolier services, attic and external wall insulation, fix windows and doors as draughts are coming through and to flush and fix radiators. Some customers mentioned that some of their radiators are fully working but many are luke warm and some are even stone cold!

Insulation Contractors could advise customers to improve their insulation. One of the best ways to save energy and money in the home is to have a good insulation system. Houses with good insulation trap heat and cut down associated with heating. Many houses release a lot of their heat through both the roof and walls, so good insulation is needed especially in these freezing temperatures. As these weather conditions are reaching very low, the insulation could be carried out sooner rather than later to avoid travelling in dangerous road conditions. Customers may be attracted to the idea of insulation to avoid feeling the worst of this Artic weather if the worst is still yet to come.

There are also some practical things that customers can do to keep their house warm like keeping doors and windows closed, using heavier curtains on windows and/or keeping curtains closed and blocking up unused fireplaces to prevent warm air from escaping up the chimney.

All the Best,


Daniel Beere

About Oliver Dempsey

Owner and Managing Director at and contributor to the Blog DISCLAIMER: All content provided in my articles is for informational purposes only. The information contained in these articles has been obtained from research carried out by myself through online and offline sources and through other writers and contributors who provide me with content. While I am responsible for the final editing of each article and I do my best to verify the information, I do not make representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information. Therefore you must not rely on the information contained in any of these articles and always make sure to seek the advice of a suitably qualified expert before embarking on any project.
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